The Software World

Five Traits of a Software Developer

Software Developers are a special type of people

Elye - A One Eye Dev By His Grace
8 min readMar 19, 2023


Photo by David L. Espina Rincon on Unsplash

“Be like your dad, go for an IT career. It’s what the future will be”. My wife told my son, advising him on what he should consider for his career.

After Covid-19, my wife loves my profession even more, software development. Not only does my job seem secure, but I now also get to work from home!

The pay will not make one living glamorously, but good enough to feed a family of four.

My son just says, “Nah… I want nothing to do with IT, facing the computer daily with random texts”

While it may sound like an insult, at least he is being honest. To be a software developer is not everybody’s cup of tea.

There are some traits where one would fit such a profession

1. Intrigue

I started my love for computer programming when I was in my teens, all thanks to the computer games I played. This is not just me, many of my fellow developers share similar experiences.

Games playing is the gateway to the love of programming. So I think to myself, as we have more people playing computer games in the future, we’ll have more programmers.

